What Does An SEO Consultant Do?

Fuel Web Marketing | SEO | November 12, 2021

Over the last couple of decades, business marketing has changed drastically. No more do we depend on the daily newspaper or print media ads. Direct and email marketing results are spotty and no longer relevant for most businesses. Today, the primary source of clients and customers for most businesses and professions is an internet search. But how you are found is determined by what page of Google you show up in a search. And once you are found, it requires getting people to interact with your website and convert as a customer.

Search engine optimization isn’t some form of strange mystical magic. It is a skilled set of tried and true strategies, and if you aren’t considering your SEO, you may be lost to your biggest set of potential customers and clients. This is when you need the assistance of an experienced SEO consultant.

Competition is fierce, and your digital presence is vital. How important is good SEO? It is not only important, it is essential! Well-crafted search engine optimization can revolutionize your website and make it a virtual magnet for hundreds if not thousands of quality leads. Without investing in quality SEO, you are missing one of the most critical investment opportunities in your business’s growth and profitability.

What Should Your SEO Consultant Be Doing For You?

A professional SEO consultant does far more than develop a pretty website. The most attractive website on earth will not draw clients without strategic and consistent optimization. Your consultant should have many tools in their toolbox to

  • Craft and optimize a website that provides around-the-clock client generation.
  • Expand your online property beyond your website, using citation tools, link-building strategies, and sites such as Google My Business to draw local clients and customers.
  • Create original, engaging, and keyword-driven website content, one of the hallmarks of Google algorithm requirements
  • Understand where you fit into the competition -- where your competition excels and where they may be dropping the ball -- in order to shift strategies to take advantage of it.
  • Utilize analytics to track and measure data to ensure that you are maintaining your competitive edge and help you take actionable steps in business decisions.

Expanding and Fine-Tuning

Your SEO strategies should have two main goals. It should

  • Expand your reach to provide a quantity of potential clients and customers, and then
  • Distill that set of clients and customers into quality leads and valuable conversions.

Content and organic strategies must be implemented to ensure that your site remains relevant and updated, connecting to other authoritative sites. And then strategies must be constantly analyzed and tested for your website’s real-world significance as technology changes.

Your SEO consultant must be able to fine-tune your optimization strategies to afford the best possible user relevance, which is the number one driver of how Google ranks your page. These methods will always be tailored to your individual business as well as your industry, so your SEO will look different if you are an online retailer with a national reach or you are a local professional service that looks for clients in your own backyard.

It is a constant dance with ever-changing steps.

Keeping Continually Updated

No other industry has changed the face of how people do business today than the world wide web. And internet technology often changes on a daily basis. Google provides updates constantly, and your SEO consultant must always understand how these will impact you, your website, and your online visibility. 

This requires that skilled SEO consultants must not only understand the landscape at the current moment but must have a continual finger on the pulse of what is on the horizon of digital marketing. This requires a constantly updated knowledge of

  • On-page content optimization and keyword research tools
  • Understanding how browsers are implementing new technology like natural language processing
  • The ability to uncover technical issues that may be hindering your online presence
  • Analytical tools that offer key information to upgrade marketing strategies

In other words, your SEO is not a set it and forget it matter, and your SEO consultant needs to have an experienced and highly-nuanced understanding of all the changes taking place in the digital marketplace.

Updated Trends for Digital Marketing

Google algorithms make searches more human-like and real-world relevant with each passing update. They also prohibit spammy websites from attempting to game the system. While SEO was fraught with these strategies in its infancy and they can still be found everywhere in low-quality websites, shortcuts and spammy approaches can get a website penalized and sometimes removed altogether.

Good quality SEO, keeping up with updates and new strategies, is the best way to keep your website and your business in front of your most valuable asset -- your clients and customers.

Newer digital marketing is becoming ever-more customer-focused, and your SEO consultant must be able to anticipate and consider updated trends, many of which include

  • Optimizing for Google’s ever-changing updates as they apply to your business and industry
  • Preparing for changes based on shifting privacy regulations
  • Optimizing for voice searches
  • Optimizing for a local presence
  • Incorporating video and live streaming
  • Utilizing ways to foster direct relationships and communication with customers using review options and social media responses
  • Focusing on existing customer retention in addition to new customers
  • Weaving social issues and stances into branding if it applies
  • Building a trustworthy brand
  • Fostering a sense of community with your customers
  • Considering social micro-influencers if the industry lends itself to that
  • Considering brand partnerships and networks
  • Considering augmented reality applications such as AR catalogs depending on your industry
  • Automating whenever possible

Your SEO consultant should be a skilled mixture of digital engineer and out-of-the-box creative thinker, always moving a step ahead of your competition.

A Team of Talented SEO Consultants

At Fuel Web Marketing, our team of talented SEO consultants and engineers offer full-service and cutting-edge digital marketing for those who understand the critical need for the finest website design and optimization possible. This is your face to the world. Make it your best one.

Contact us online or call (888) 375-3835 to speak with one of our experienced SEO consultants to learn how we can make your website a client magnet with fine-tuned and updated SEO strategies.