Website Design for Law Firms

Fuel Web Marketing | SEO | September 19, 2023
People browsing the web

According to data from Martindale-Avvo, nearly 40% of people who hire an attorney report that they found and researched the law firm using the internet—and that number is only going up. For certain practice areas—such as personal injury, family law, and criminal defense—an even higher number of people use the internet to find their lawyer. You need a well-designed, easy-to-use website. Law firms with poor websites may struggle with client acquisition. Here, our legal marketing team explains how you can design a world-class website for your law firm.

User Experience is Essential

The first interaction many potential clients have with a law firm is through its website. If users find it difficult to navigate, slow, or uninformative, they might conclude the firm is unprofessional. It is not uncommon for users to simply close out of a poorly designed or difficult-to-use website. Good website design prioritizes user experience, ensuring visitors can find what they are looking for.

A Law Firm Website Should Be Optimized for Mobile Use

Did you know that more than half of U.S. internet use is now done with mobile devices? Law firms that are not optimized for mobile risk alienating a vast segment of their audience. Websites that do not adapt well to smaller screens—or that take too long to load on mobile data—can deter potential clients.

Trust Signals are Key for Lawyers

Law is a profession built on trust. Potential clients need assurance that they are placing their legal matters in capable hands. Trust signals, like client testimonials, awards, or certifications, can be prominently featured on a website to give visitors confidence in the firm's abilities

A Strong Call to Action is a Must

Of course, the goal of a law firm is not to get web traffic. Web traffic is merely a tool to connect with more potential clients. At its core, a law firm’s website should also guide visitors toward taking a specific action. Whether it is to schedule a consultation, make a phone call, or sign up for a newsletter, a clear and compelling call to action (CTA) is vital. A well-placed CTA, combined with engaging content, can convert a visitor into a client.

You Need to Get Potential Clients to Your Website (SEO is Key)

It does not matter how well-designed a website is if no one sees it. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can provide the answer. Indeed, law firms should invest in SEO strategies to ensure their site ranks high on search engines. Among other things, this involves using relevant keywords, producing quality content, and establishing backlinks.

We are Proud to be the Leaders in Digital Marketing for Law Firms

At Fuel Web Marketing, we help lawyers and law firms develop and build world-class websites. If you have any specific questions or concerns about website design for law firms, you can rely on our digital marketing team. Contact us today to set up your confidential appointment. We provide website design services to law firms nationwide.