Fuel Web
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SEO Graphic

How Long Does it Take to See Results From SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is important. Google for Developers explains that SEO is simply about ensuring that “search engines understand your content” so that they can “help users find your site.” When someone runs a search—such as for a personal injury law in a specific city—you want your law firm at the top of the Google rankings, not buried on the third page.

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What is Content Marketing and How Does it Tie Into SEO?

According to data cited by Thomson Reuters, “the internet is now the most popular way to find and research a lawyer.” It is a statistic that has major implications for lawyers and law firms that want to find more clients. You need a strong online presence.

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What are the Benefits of Ranking Well on Google?

Google is the overwhelming leader among U.S. search engines. It accounts for around 80 percent of search queries (Statista). With more people turning to the web to find and research lawyers and law firms, your good ranking is crucial.

Coworkers at a table.

What Does Fuel Web Marketing Specialize In?

Fuel Web Marketing is a boutique digital marketing agency that is committed to providing customized digital marketing services to businesses and specialized digital marketing services to law firms. We are the company that provides the comprehensive services that you can rely on.

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Building Trust and Authority for Law Firms

With more and more people and businesses turning to the internet to find an attorney, law firms need a website that presents their brand in a trustworthy and authoritative manner. At Fuel Web Marketing, we are proud to be the leaders in digital marketing for law firms.

Computer keyboard with a PPC button

The Essentials of Effective PPC Management for Law Firms

PPC (pay-per-click) is a digital marketing tool through which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. In other words, PPC is a form of paid website traffic. It can be a cost-effective way to generate leads if the campaign is well-managed.

Person looking at a website

What to Expect From an SEO Company

Digital marketing is about connecting you with the most qualified clients/customers in the most efficient, cost-effective manner. Search engine optimization (SEO) is foundational to any digital marketing strategy. As Google for Developers explains, SEO helps people find your website organically.

Man boxing a robot

Fighting For Your Rank Against AI And Reddit

Search engine optimization (SEO) is about getting your content to rank higher in search results. It means that more people can come across your website organically. It is one of the most effective marketing tools.

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Content Ideas for Your Business Newsletter

Your newsletter is about sharing news, but you also want to entice customers and potential customers while keeping things fresh. It’s a tall order, but when your content is on point, your newsletter can do more for your business than simply share the details of upcoming events.

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Optimizing Videos for Search Engines

Video is an engaging form of content that is quickly gaining in popularity. Your customers spend a good deal of time searching for and viewing videos, and usage is trending upwards. Your goal is to create excellent videos and optimize them for search engines so they find their way to your customers and clients, and a savvy digital marketing company can help you with that.

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Attorney Brand Marketing 101

Your firm’s brand plays a critical role in how well-established it is in the legal community, which directly correlates with how much business you bring it. As an attorney, you’re busy defending your clients’ legal rights, and marketing can get lost in the shuffle.

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The Rise of AI in Marketing

AI is no longer poised to play a serious role in marketing strategies moving forward but has already hit the big time. Artificial intelligence continues to extend its reach far and wide, and marketing is no exception.

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What Does Fuel Web Marketing Specialize In?

Fuel Web Marketing is a premiere digital marketing firm that can help your businesses craft a well-considered online identity that helps you build your brand and increase your market share. Digital marketing has a growing stronghold in the world of advertising, and our web marketing expertise can help you carve out your place in it.

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Best CRM Software Tools for Lawyers

Running a law firm of any size is an immense endeavor, and the idea is to have systems in place that allow it to run seamlessly – and without constant supervision. A big part of this is client relationship management (CRM).

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What is Fuel Web Marketing? How Can They Help Me?

A growing number of consumers and businesses are turning to the Internet to find, research, and purchase both products and services. To compete effectively in the modern economy, companies need a strong web presence.

People in a marketing meeting

Tips for Marketing a Small Law Firm

Most law firms are small law firms. According to data from Thomson Reuters, around half of law firms are operated by solo practitioners. Another 30% of law firms have between two and six attorneys on staff.

Person using smart phone

Best CRM Software Tools for Lawyers

Building, growing, and maintaining a successful law firm is about more than just the practice of law. A firm also needs strong business practices—including the right processes to handle clients.

Person on a laptop

The Power of Content Marketing

Many people, businesses, and organizations find and hire attorneys and law firms online. The ABA Journal cites data showing that the internet is the first place that the majority of potential clients turn to find a lawyer.

People browsing the web

Website Design for Law Firms

According to data from Martindale-Avvo, nearly 40% of people who hire an attorney report that they found and researched the law firm using the internet—and that number is only going up.

Salespeople going over a project

Retargeting Strategies

A growing number of businesses and consumers are using the internet to find, research, and purchase products and services.

Audience written on whiteboard

Content Marketing Strategies

A significant number of individuals and businesses are now using the web to find, research, and hire attorneys and law firms.

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The Impact of AI on Marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is booming. Statista cites data showing that the size of the AI industry is expected to grow by more than 600 percent between 2023 and 2030.

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Google Updates: An Overview

Google is far and away the market leader in search engines. According to data from Statista, Google’s global market share of web searches was approximately 85% in March of 2023, and that number has remained relatively stable over the last decade.

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How to Humanize AI Content

According to data from Statista, the AI industry is expected to grow from $100 billion to $2 trillion within the next decade.

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High-Ticket Digital Marketing

Broadly explained, high-ticket digital marketing is the strategic promotion of premium-priced products and services, which have the potential to yield substantial returns on investment (ROI) for businesses.

Marketing report

Five Mistakes With Your Legal Marketing

How do people find a lawyer? According to research cited by Martindale Avvo, approximately 90% of attorneys hired in the United States are done so through either a personal reference or the internet.

Importance of Landing Pages

The Importance of Landing Pages

Did you know that a growing number of people and businesses are turning to the internet to find, research, and hire their attorneys? For lawyers and law firms interested in client acquisition, a strong digital presence is critically important. Among other things, this includes well-designed landing pages.

SEM - Search Engine Marketing

What Does SEM Stand for?

Law is a hyper-competitive industry. There are hundreds of thousands of law firms nationwide offering a wide range of different services. Client acquisition is one of the keys to success for any legal practice. A digital presence has become increasingly essential for cost-effective client acquisition.

client resources on website

Making Your Website a Client Resource Site

Today, your law firm’s website needs to be more than just a sales tool. Although you want to generate more clients, you also want to communicate with and educate those clients. This is why more lawyers are creating websites that also act as Client Resource Sites (CRS).

Marketing 2022

Building a Marketing Plan in 2022

It’s that time of year again. Looking back at 2021 and setting goals for the upcoming year is one critical way business owners can ensure that they consider their successes as well as their missteps and turn them into gold for the next year...

seo 2022

SEO Trends For 2022

Few other industries change at the speed that digital marketing does. And that marketing, along with the quality of your search engine optimization, can make all the difference in how your potential clients and customers find you in the year to come...


What Does An SEO Consultant Do?

Over the last couple of decades, business marketing has changed drastically. No more do we depend on the daily newspaper or print media ads...

google reports

New Facts About E-A-T SEO

In Google-land, E-A-T is an acronym that stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness...

Google Core Update - June and July 2021

Google Core Update - June and July 2021

Google did not have a core update since December 2020, but now, the search engine will have core updates for both June and July 2021. The June core update is already in progress, and it aims to provide searchers with the most authoritative and relevant results possible...

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7 Elements of A Successful Website

You can’t deny that this is the age of the internet - everything needs to be digital and quickly available online. Being online and having a good website is the key to running a successful business.

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10 Reasons You Should Outsource Your Marketing

When it comes to marketing for your business, be honest. Do you honestly have the time and the freedom to develop a fantastic marketing strategy, write copy, design/find images, closely watch how ads are performing, and more?


5 SEO Tips For Businesses During COVID-19

As more and more businesses are forced to rearrange their business strategies to accommodate the restrictions that COVID-19 is placing on us, having a strong online presence is more important than ever.


Handling Employment Law During COVID

The Coronavirus pandemic went global in early 2020 and the virus COVID-19 is still making waves. Many states in the U.S. may have reopened, ending a stay-at-home order, but just because a stay-at-home order is no longer effective does not mean the virus is no longer around.


Rebuilding Your Brand During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The year of 2020 has seen many hardships, but the event to leave its mark will always be COVID-19. Having affected the economy and every industry, the Coronavirus pandemic has left many businesses bankrupt or shut down.